Plan to Win.
Here are actions we can take together to deliver performance, transparency, accountability, and inclusion for Democrats over the next 90 days.
Voters Are The Focus
By April 15, 2025, the NHDP will complete its analysis showing how many votes will be needed to win every state office in 2026: governor, executive council, senate, and house.
This will be the foundation for a comprehensive plan to secure the required votes for governor and majorities in the three bodies, reflecting the interdependencies across the different races.
The plan to win will include operational, staffing, and funding requirements by function:
Candidate recruitment, training, and campaign management
Communications: strategy and message definition by voter segment, as well as 7x24x365 delivery through channels appropriate to each segment
Voter information and analysis that meets the requirements of candidates, town committees, and volunteers
Build Unity Through Shared Functions
In each functional area, we will evaluate opportunities for efficiencies, best practices, and economies of scale by looking at duplication across NHDP staff, town and county committees, caucuses and candidates.
Another opportunity is to determine how NHDP’s administrative and governance activities can be less expensive, time consuming, and burdensome to party staff as well as town and county committees and candidates.
The plan will be accompanied by a detailed revenue and expense budget showing where and who revenue will come from and where it will be spent. There will be full disclosure of all compensation to officers, staff, consultants, and contractors in the budget.
The NHDP will no longer charge state candidates for voter data. The NHDP will raise money in support of candidates, and not require candidates to raise money to pay to the NHDP.
Transparency and Accountability
The plan and budget will be presented to the State Committee for approval.
Each month the officers will report on performance vs. plan and budget to the State Committee.
The State Committee should create a seven-member Governance Subcommittee to meet quarterly with the NHDP officers to discuss the performance of the party and share advice on how to address party challenges and opportunities
Many Democrats have asked why “the party of voting rights” does not conduct secret ballot elections. The Rules Committee should take up this question and lead an evaluation of options. At a minimum, perhaps a disinterested third-party professional firm (accounting or legal) could administer the election and count the votes.
For clarity, the State Committee should approve its purpose is to win state elections, support Federal candidates in their campaigns, and increase the percentage of NH voters who register as Democrats.
Town committees will be asked to set objectives for increasing the number of Democrats in their towns who are active as volunteers.
Similarly, Constituency Caucuses will be asked to set objectives for increasing the number of active volunteers among their communities.
To build an inclusive culture, the NHDP should state the responsibility of the NHDP officers and staff and the county committees is to support Democratic voters, volunteers, town committees, and candidates, and welcome their perspectives on how to improve the performance of the party.
NHDP staff will work with county chairs to gather, share, and train best practices to expand capacity and build relationships with more voters.
Satisfy Internal and External Constituencies
In April, the NHDP will survey all town and county committee members, recent candidates and elected officials (state and federal), to gauge their satisfaction with the NHDP operations, and to ask what the NHDP can do, and what they can do themselves, to create an environment in which everyone can do their best work.
In May, the NHDP will survey donors, including those who never have or no longer donate to the NHDP, to gauge their satisfaction with the NHDP and their suggestions for what the NHDP should do to deliver greater return on their investments and encourage additional financial support.